Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Our Escape Route

We have a house, almost half an acre of land, free education for our kids, jobs, and a huge garden growing our food.   For all of this, I am thankful.

Yet sometimes, the jobs are tiring, the housework and weeding are overwhelming, the free education involves lots of meetings, the therapies and medical appointments that accompany five special needs kids are unending...and an escape route is needed.

Ours leads us straight to Rumney Bible Conference.  It has been 17 years since we started taking our family up there for a week every Summer, and a number of years ago Jamie's parents bought a cottage on the grounds, and they are very generous with allowing family and friends to borrow it. A few weeks ago Jamie made a call to his parents to ask if their cottage was available, and we just spent the last three days escaping real life. It was wonderful.

I really think the kids believe it is their second home, they love it so much.

Fishing, walking the woods, playing, relaxing, kayaking, fishing, sleeping, playing cartpetball and foosball, rollerskating and biking, squirt gun battles and snacking....we fit it all in with barely a minute to spare.

Thankfully the family will have a full week in August to do all this again and more...the Snack Shack and pool will both be open then, as well as the Saturday night concert and maybe even tubing on the Baker River.

For now though, we are refreshed, and I might be ready to start filing the 4 inch thick stack of bills, IEP progress reports, notes from doctor appointments and their reports, insurance correspondence and more....maybe later.

First I have to pull weeds and do something that resembles housework.

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