Monday, December 31, 2012

End of the Year Reflections

We always end our year by taking down the Christmas decorations, getting ready for a fresh new year.  Kimberly enjoyed the sparkly lights so much I let her explore them for a few minutes.

As I think back on this year, I find myself longing for 2007 again.  Odd, I know.  That was when I only worked a few days a week, my Dad was alive, we had a great home school routine that included a wonderful home school support group, we were active in our church and had just adopted Dante, who was an absolutely adorable baby. 

And all seems so different. Life is not bad, and I am thankful for everything we do have, but I miss the year 2007.  (well, the first 10 months of it)  So much has changed in the years since then, and I am still trying to keep up.

Of course, in 2007 we did not have our spunky Sunny (2009),  or the incredible blessing of our little Leif (2010), or our absolutely adorable Kimberly (2011).

This past year-- 2012-- just seemed so busy, yet not with home school events or church involvement...just busy.  Somehow I have started working five nights a week instead of two or three...and the rising costs of life necessitate that.  I am still home with my children all day so I have no complaints, just a bit tired! The teens have no interest in youth group, I have found that my triplets do not fit in at group activities, and Church involvement is just not possible where we are at right now. My oldest has graduated, gone to Basic Training to become and Army Reservist, and will be leaving for college in 2 weeks.  Again, I can't complain about his success (and ours as parents!), but I miss the boy of 2007 that is now a young man.   It was also in 2012 -- just in October -- that we realized we needed to hire an advocate to help us get the most appropriate education for Dante.  This is going to be a long road, but our Dante is worth everything we can do for him.

I do look forward to the new year, and the the comings and goings it will bring for us. 
God is good, all the time.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sisterly Love

Yesterday I was changing Leif's diaper, when Kimberly came rolling over...she saw a chance to pounce on Leif while he was down.  He adores her, and did not mind that she rolled over, grabbed his hair, and then planted a kiss on his cheek.  They played for a bit having some fun kissing each other.

 (he is laughing)

They are so blessed to have each other!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dealing with Death, Five Years Later

At what point do I stop reliving Dad's death every year on its anniversary?  I just re-read last years post about the 4 year anniversary of the day Dad left us.  I still think of him every day, although a week or two ago I realized I couldn't hear his voice during the last phone conversation we had.

This is a photo of the teens having fun with Grandpa, about 15 years ago.  Leif would have adored him.

God is good.  Even when He takes my Dad before I think He should have.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Snow of the Season!

The storm was predicted a week ago-- but we were only supposed to get rain from this Nor'Easter.  Then a few days ago it was decided by the weather experts that it would indeed be a mere 1-4 inches of snow for our area.  They were wrong, and my kids are happy. 

Leif stayed out much longer than the triplets.  Micah actually only went out long enough to earn himself a cup of cocoa.  By the time I had this post ready, Sunny was out again-- swinging!!

God is good!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Leif Amongst the Leaves

October has been such a busy month!  Schooling the kids while working five nights a week is definitely keeping me busy. 

~ Dante has been gluten free this entire month, and in the last two weeks we have been finally seeing some changes.  He is trying to talk more, and hanging out with the family more, instead of just wanting to watch videos on his iPad.
~ Kimberly has glasses now!  She is so adorable, and looks around her in amazement.  Then pulls them off.
~ Kimberly is also sitting up independently.  This is great for her, but we really want to see her crawl.
~ Leif had his right thumb/hand crushed by Amelia when they were practicing some gymnastics, but thankfully nothing was broken!

Last week the triplets and Leif decided to rake some leaves during lunch break.  Not a lot of progress was made in actual clean up, but they had fun!
Leif, Sunny, and Micah were working hard when  Amelia came over and showed them how much fun they could be having!
In the photo below it looks like Amelia has 4 arms, because Sunny happened to be lined up directly behind her.

After they were done "working", it was time for the tire swing.  Amelia is such an amazing big sister, making sure Leif is right there with them.  It is fun now that he is 2+ and able to participate, instead of toddling along wanting to participate.

It was not until we were just about ready to go in that I realize Amelia is wearing two different sneakers!  I bought her and Sunny slightly different pairs so they could tell them apart. (They are different sizes.)


God is good!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

One Year Ago

One year ago (yesterday) Jamie and I drove to Boston so we could experience the saddest day a young couple could experience.  Two young parents handed us their two week old daughter, trusting us to raise her as our own. 

 For the last year we have been doing just that, and we could not be more blessed.

We are thankful for our baby girl.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Our Ultimate Field Trip, Part 3

We had an amazing few days with Alexander.  It was soooo good to see him, and he had a lot to say about Basic Training. 

A picture says a thousand words, so here are a LOT of words. 

We dropped Alexander off at Fort Eustis last Friday, then headed home.  We were able to stop for a visit on Chincoteague Island and spend an hour with my Uncle, not long enough but a nice visit nonetheless. 

Saturday ended our journey, but Alexander's next journey was just beginning as he begins his specialist training at Fort Eustis.

We will see him again just after Thanksgiving, but now that his training focus has shifted we are able to connect with him more often via phone and Facebook.

God is good!