Saturday, March 2, 2013


Yesterday Dante was injured at school, so I took him to the ER for some x-rays.  Unfortunately there was no diagnosis, and Jamie and I were sent home with a badly limping boy and told to watch him for a few days.  This morning he would not even put weight on his right leg or try to walk.  If he is still like this on Monday we were told to go back to the ER.

While sitting waiting for some answers, I used Dante's iPad to do a little internet browsing, and ended up getting three free tickets to the American Cup 2013 in Worcester!!  I had known this was going on and looked up ticket prices, but there was no way to justify the cost.

However, I really wanted to take Amelia and Micah, since they are on a Special Olympics Gymnastics team and this May they are traveling with a part of their team to Georgia to take part in the USA Gymnastics Special Olympics Gymnastics.  So it was a very pleasant surprise to get these tickets from Klems

I really hoped they would be inspired by seeing the amazing athletes, and they were.  Micah particullarly enjoyed the pommel horse and the rings, saying "up down up down" when watching the athlete from Great Britain doing his amazing routine.

While walking out to the van and once we were home Amelia was imitating the balance beam routines she had seen.

For the next few months they will be practicing and I will be saving every spare tip to pay for our trip to Georgia!

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