Saturday, July 3, 2010

Baby Boy!

Leif Kristian Lindsay officially joined our family at 1:17AM Wednesday June 30th. It did not happen the way we had it planned, although I am confident the Lord certainly knew how it would all happen!

Today was actually Leif's due date, but we had an appointment to be induced Tuesday because of a PUPPS rash I developed a few weeks ago that was extremely painful and only cured by birth. Unfortunately things were not progressing well and Leif had to be delivered via an emergency c-section because he was having difficulties.

He is great now, and after several days in the hospital we are home today! He weighed in at 8lbs 12oz, is an absolute doll, and tomorrow I will post pictures of his first meetings with all of his siblings!
Interestingly, Jamie and I were not the only new parents in this Lindsay family on Wednesday-- Zachary's hen hatched two eggs on the same day that Jamie and I hatched Leif!! It was his first time getting a hen to go broody and set a nest, and the two little chicks are absolutely adorable!!


~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Look at that sweet little boy - my heart pitter pats just looking at him. More pics, please - more, more, more. Hope you are feeling well and that everyone is happy :) xoxo

L said...

Congratulations on your adorable baby boy! So sweet!!