Thursday, August 6, 2009

More Haircuts...

I asked Nikita if she would give my hair a little trim. She brought out the trimming kit so she could use the scissors, and while waiting for me was fiddling around with the smallest electric trimmer.

Most people realize that when you turn on a trimmer and hold it up to the head, the hair is indeed going to be cut off. Apparently Nik was not fully expecting it to work when she held it up to Micah, the lad who happened to be sitting next to her. In order to cover up the bald spot, she had to trim all of his hair. But then it wasn't quite even. No wait, still not quite even...
In the end, he did still have plenty of hair left. And I still let her trim my hair. Wait, not quite even, just a little more...

1 comment:

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

oh dear!
